Monday, September 26, 2011

Happy monday

Things I'm Grateful for: pears living in the United States morning showers spray paint my cousins John Rogers felt tip pens hot pink hair cuts penguins Computers hugs cuddle time Penelope Francis Halloween my job Kellington peanut butter my parents pink nail polish Grandma's recipes

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I like winning contests

I play on a Kickball team that is part of the National WAKA Kickball League. They recently had a Tee shirt design contest for the national championship games that are held in Las Vegas. I entered; I can design tee shirts with my eyes closed. (eyes closed tee shirts would be awesome) Anyway, I am super happy because I won so I get to show off my sweet skills on a National level.... not work related :)
MIGHT I say... I won this contest the same way I did my 8th grade History fair. I did a painting for the SJMS History fair of my Great great grandpa on a boat holding a Denmark flag.... That was my whole project. Formula for success: Lots of flair and providing something people want to standby.... and smile REALLY big. Why do I ever question that I am in marketing? I like making things pretty. Love, Mimi

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I find myself holding my breath for long periods of times lately. I wonder what that means. Sorry for the very unfruitful blog. Love, Mimi