Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Banana Splat

Today is a good day. I can't stop playing with the calluses on the ends of my fingers. Playing the guitar is really fun but i have come to learn, i am not to good at singing. Finger picking is really hard too, but i will get used to it eventually. The best is when Kelton notices I am playing songs he knows and smiles really big :) And then we make up songs together and they are mostly about fighting dragons, swimming and swords.
I have a satisfaction today about how I show up as an employee at work. Yes, I am late 2 days out of the week, that is my big downfall. Over all though I feel like an asset. Maybe it is time to ask for another raise.
So I get to Drink Orange Juice today and tonight I get to have vegetables, i am pretty dang excited for semi-solid foods :)

Monday, March 24, 2008

i don't know what this is suposed to be about

So today is my last day on the cleanse. I am pretty excited to eat solid food again. Last night I dreamed about Eating reese's peanut butter cups out of a cereal bowl with a spoon.
I am feeling tired today and it is slow at work so it is hard to keep myself entertained and awake.
Pete is Vice president of his nerdy forensics club and they need new tee shirts for their school his year. So this morning the most exciting this that has happened is me putting together shirts for him that say: "I didn't do it! ....and the spatter supports my case", Gotcha!(with finger print in background), 1 in 36 billion:match made in a lab", and "You may keep saying no but your DNA says yes"., it is pretty nerd core.

That reminds me, i need to make hoodies for the moon lake trip this year. I will put that on my list of things to do.

Saturday I took Kelton to Mom's house for an Easter egg hunt, it was pretty fun. I got to load eggs and hide them and stuff. Watching Kelton be amazed is one of my favorite things. He just couldn't believe that there were eggs with prizes in them sitting waiting for him to pick them up. He also is the type of kid who wants to play with every present once he opens it even if he has more to open. It was nice too because Tricia (Kel's other mom) came too and I love it when Kelton gets to experience stuff with all of his parents there.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The cleanse

SO There is a cleanse I did last year, also known as the lemonade cleanse. And I decided to do it again last Sunday. It is super intense on my body, I forgot how much will power its take to do it.
A day in the life of the cleanse:
• Wake up at 5:30 and drink a Quart of Sea Salt water
• Wait for and hour and a half for it to clean up all of the random stuff in my intestines
and come out.
• Drink my first drink, I chug this one to get it over with so i can start my day.
- A drink consists of:
8oz distilled/spring water
2Tbsp Organic lemon juice
2Tbsp Natural Grade B maple Syrup
1/10th tsp Cayenne pepper
• Then I drive Kelton to daycare and myself to work hoping that all of the Sea Salt solution has really left my body.
• I drink a mess load of water between everything I do during the day, to keep my self hydrated.
• During work I drink 4 of my lemon drinks, maybe one mint tea to mix up the taste in my mouth a bit.
• I pick up Kelton from daycare and head home from work, come home and try to make dinner or watch John make dinner, (sometimes it is too hard on my will power to make dinner)
And then drink my dinner.
• I usually watch a movie or read a book, something simple because by that time of day I am exhausted.
• After putting Kelton to bed, i chill out and drink a cup of "Smooth Move" Herbal tea.
• Then I go to bed and wake up and do it again... for 10 days.

I know what your thinking, "10 days is a long time!" and yes it is. But some people do this thing up to 40 days, can you believe that? Anyway I am on day 5 so my halfway pint is hit and i am relieved it is all down hill from here. The other thing you probably are thinking "That isn't enough for you body to live on!". Well, i totally agree, not enough for the body to live on forever. But for 10 days, it can happen. The maple has all the nutritions i need to run, and I juice the lemon including the skin so i get that extra boost of vitamins. Lemons pull all of the toxins out of my tissue and the pepper sweeps it clean to my waste and then the salt water cleans it out... as simple as that!
The first couple of days suck really bad because my body is detoxing from all the crap i put in it. So I can just expect a super bad head ache and feeling achy and looking pale, i can't drive either.
But after the 3-4th day I feel super fine as long as I tank up on my super lemon drink. I usually have 6-12 a day, 6 is the minimum I am supposed to drink in one day. Last time I did it, I puked a couple times at the end of the first day. I am pretty sure it is because all of the toxins and poisons of 23 years I have been putting my body were stirred up in my system. I am so glad I quit smoking.
A funny side effect i have with this cleanse is I DREAM about food. Every night i dream about all kinds of food and eating it and how it tastes. last night i was a smoothie/sundae shop and I almost got in a fight with the kid who was making my chocolate brownie shake thing because he wouldn't give me the extra that wouldn't fit in my cup. That jerk....
It is a good thing I have a loving supportive husband! He is a champion at supporting me in stuff, especially things that have to do with my health.
I will give updates!
Love, Mimi

Thursday, March 13, 2008

playin' the guitar

I have newley formed blisters on the tips of my fingers that kinda hurt when I type. I have been teaching myself to play the guitar the last week and it is awesome. After visiting pete for my birthday I and picking up his guitar, I rememebered how cool playing the guitar really is. Well that is it for now beacuse I have to go back to work, YAY!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Feeling good in MY body

It is so nice waking up and feeling good in my own skin.
My body begs me all day while I am at work to go ride my bike or swim, stretch, or climb stuff OR WHATEVER... as long as I am moving.
For the first time in my life I really do feel ill when i eat more then my body needs. I have never been in-tune that much physically.
Not to mention, since I have cut some things that are not so good for me out of my diet... I feel energy after I eat instead of wanting to nap.
I have realized cheese is not for me. My body hates it... all except my taste buds. Even if get things with cheese mixed in it my stomach cramps and it is painful, what clearer signs do I need from my body that it hates something.
The same thing happens when i eat animal flesh. My body can deal with fish but give me chicken or beef and i will have a hurty tummy.
Either way, I just wanna say I feel great. I know I am going to live a long happy healthy life.
Not to mention it is nice losing weight without starving myself.

I am sending out the heck yes for loving our bodies no matter what shape or form we come in :)

Friday, March 7, 2008

Sick day

This morning I was feeling ill so I decided to stay home from work.
After sleeping in till 10 I was restless so today I cleaned my house, made some bread, making crockpot coconut curry and I am not sure what to do with myself. It is kinda nice not to talk to anybody. I also designed some cool tee shirts for pete's forensics club.
I worked all of my hours at work this last couple weeks which hasn't happed for a while because it has been such a slow winter season, though we are picking up now. I have been making sales too and I get a small % so it is nice to look at my check and feel satisfied at my hard work. It is so cool learning about myself and how I am capable of supporting my family.
John and I are slowly paying off our debt and I am just excited. This year I kept track of my recipts and stuff for my art and I didn't have to pay taxes on the money I made from my show or freelance design stuff I have been doing. I feel like for the first time I am taking myself seriously as an artist and a professional. It is pretty awesome, who knew I was capable of what I am doing?
Yeah well since I am feeling much better I am probably going to hit a Vandals concert tonight. Good times in the SLC.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I am a big fan of most Asian foods. The Indian culture is so genius for inventing curry.
My favorite type of Asian food is Tibetan.
I used to live above a Tibetan restaurant in the Avenues of Salt lake and the family who ran it was so nice. I am not sure what i loved more about the environment in Cafe Shambala, the abundance of Dali Lama pictures or the broken english. One thing for sure, nothing tops their fried veggie momos, spicy potatoes, and lentil soup. I seriously could eat that every day if I had to. They have some pretty awesome sweet and sour tofu also.
Momos are dumplings stuffed with goodness. Sometimes it is meat sometimes it is veggies. Traditionally they are steamed and have a soft fluffy outside, I love mine a little fried for the crispy texture.
Today I went to Curry in a Hurry for lunch. It is a quaint Indian/Thai place that has KILLER curry. I spent 4$ for the YUMMIEST curry veggies in Naan. Who knew curry and spinach would taste so good together?
Speaking of Naan, Mom made some for Sam's birthday dinner. Naan is kinda like a pita but fluffier and sometimes flavored or sweet. The place in UT to get the best Naan is the Himalayan Kitchen. I think they have a brick oven they cook it in and you can get it like 12 different ways. Not to mention it comes with a plum sauce and some type of spicy mint sauce, that is right... spicy mint.
Since I really love cooking, I am trying to master some of these recipes. I am happy that the ladies at my local Thai/Asian market and patient enough to explain some stuff to me. They helped me pick out the best ingredients for my DELICIOUS yellow coconut curry. Last time I was there they sent me home with some type of spicy black bean sauce and ingredients for Pho.
Pho is one of John's favorite foods. Mostly all Pho has meat in it so I have been playing around with trying to make it vegetarian. I will probably report back on how successful my attempt to make veggie/savory tasting broth was this week.
Since I have to go back to work, i am not going to go into making sushi, miso stuff, wontons, stir fry or rice paper spring rolls.... but once again, Asian food rocks.
And it is SUPER healthy for me.
I guess this is the conclusion of my curry inspired rant.
If you are in Salt Lake and you wanna go hit up some yummy restaurants with me, let me know.

Post Script: the ground was dry enough so I rode my bike for the first time since October. HECK YES!!