So today is my last day on the cleanse. I am pretty excited to eat solid food again. Last night I dreamed about Eating reese's peanut butter cups out of a cereal bowl with a spoon.
I am feeling tired today and it is slow at work so it is hard to keep myself entertained and awake.
Pete is Vice president of his nerdy forensics club and they need new tee shirts for their school his year. So this morning the most exciting this that has happened is me putting together shirts for him that say: "I didn't do it! ....and the spatter supports my case", Gotcha!(with finger print in background), 1 in 36 billion:match made in a lab", and "You may keep saying no but your DNA says yes"., it is pretty nerd core.
That reminds me, i need to make hoodies for the moon lake trip this year. I will put that on my list of things to do.
Saturday I took Kelton to Mom's house for an Easter egg hunt, it was pretty fun. I got to load eggs and hide them and stuff. Watching Kelton be amazed is one of my favorite things. He just couldn't believe that there were eggs with prizes in them sitting waiting for him to pick them up. He also is the type of kid who wants to play with every present once he opens it even if he has more to open. It was nice too because Tricia (Kel's other mom) came too and I love it when Kelton gets to experience stuff with all of his parents there.
good job on the cleanse mimi, that's quite an accomplishment. the shirts sound pretty nerdalicious.
Thats what I'm talkin 'bout.
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