Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Bikes are fun, but you can still crash on them

So I wrecked yesterday on my bike. It wasn't a little accident it was a full on face plant in front of rush hour traffic. I now have a silver dollar size bruise on my chin. I was in 6th grade last time I had one of these.

I am really thankful I hit the pavement out of traffic. I can't wait to get out and do some more "road taming". Man did I get a good work out.

The best part is when I stood up after and felt like I was 7 years old, bless my inner child :)
Kelton kissed it better though so I will be fine.

Love, Mimi


Turbo said...

I'm glad to hear that you are OK

CrzyJess said...

That is an amazing bruise! Guess what? I tagged you. Check out my blog for directions. Hope all is well with you!