Monday, April 19, 2010

Sugarless but still sweet.

Sugar encounters since I decided not to eat any:
I was pretty sad yesterday when I could not order french toast for brunch. On the other hand my Eggs Florentine rocked my socks.
I spent and extra hour at the grocery store while shopping reading nutrition labels... There are a mess of ingredient in the oddest stuff. Who knew that Balsamic vinegar sometimes has caramel in it? I think I spent the most time on the DRESSING isle. Holy smokes I ended up not making any selections at all there and this week I am going to buy some cute bottles I can store homemade dressing in. Truly, I put condiments on everything so it will be nice to know, I made it myself and my body can break it down. My new best friends are hot sauce an vinegar. I have made my own BBQ sauce before and I am excited to have it on hand now because I am a BBQ sauce addict. I am Kind sad that it will all go bad sooner, but I guess that it won't be in my body as long because of that. (Any tips or preserving things longer?)
One disappointment I found at the store was Crystal light does not use Splenda anymore. They had a campaign for a while of having no Aspartame but I guess they switched back :P
I have found pretty much all store bought bread has some form of sugar in it.
Is honey better then sugar if I have to choose?
I did find out, while sampling the multitude of chips (at the BBQ we had with friends this weekend) that I should read the package before I take a taste. There is nothing worse then thinking, "Oh the is super delicious!" then reading the ingredients and wanting to punch myself in the face for loving the HFCS so much. One great find while tasting was This great Olive spread! ( think it had bit of feta in it too.) My friend who brought it explained how simple it was. Intructions: 1.go to olive bar in whole foods (or any store) 2.Pick out the stuff I like 3.Put in blender or food processor... so simple, soooo yum!
I am sad about Girl scout cookies.. They have sugar... really good tasting sugar. Someone brought Red Vines to the BBQ and I was delighted to find they are on my approved list! Score one for Mimi's sweet tooth.

I am Happy to announce I have lost another pound since my no sugar start! I am now at 153lbs... 13 more to go till my initial post baby weight goal.
I decided that I want to work my upper body so I don't strain my self hauling all of the stuff for the kids plus one car seat around. We have a pull up bar in our house and I don't know why I have never utilized it. I guess it is kind of intimidating for me because I have never been able to do more then 2 pull ups, and that was in high school... I know weak sauce :P Anyway I am not sure what kind of goal to make but If anyone has tips on doing pull ups, stretching for them, or what a reasonable goal is for a white, skinny armed, 26 year old girl, let me know.

love, Mimi


Jenny said...

Thanks for keeping us updated on your journey through the lonely land of no sugar. If anyone can do it, you can. I too have been paying closer attention to ingredients than I have nutrition information lately and it's a laborious affair! So shocking and disconcerting to see that they put HFCS in nearly everything processed. :\

Good luck with everything. If you ever wanna take our babies on a stroll one of these summer nights for some exercise, hit me up. I really wish I liked olives because that spread sounds so yummy even though I know I'd gag on it. :)

Love you.

The Mr. Rogers said...

Olives are the Devil :)

I am proud of you Mimi! Keep it up :)