Friday, December 26, 2008

Subi-Shark, best car EVER

I have the coolest car ever made. His name is Subi-Shark. He is a '97 Subaru Legacy Outback and he saves my life all the time. Last night in the bizzard, I drove up Parley's Canyon to Park City and back (well I had john drive back) in Subi-Shark and I am still alive. Park City outskirt suburbs are a death trap. If you slide off the road your options are, cliff or dooming snow bank. Subi-Shark protected me when we did collide with snowbanks. I lub Subi-Shark.
Not to mention He is the best Camping car ever.

I guess I am filled with gratitude that me car has no problem getting me to work on a day like this, and I am safe.

So happy day after Christmas :)
And bask in what you are grateful for

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Fun and Gingerbread cookies

Uncle Josh, John's younger brother, babysat for us the other week. He showed up with two of his friends and played video games with Kelton all Saturday. I think they gave Kelton some good tips about being a dude.
Kelton hangs with the older boys

Grandma Beth made Kelton a Christmas apron so we decided to test it last night and made some Gingerbread men. Erica is in town so she came to help us. Here are some action pictures of Kelton's culinary skills and us having fun.
Christmas 2008 Gingerbread men

And last but not least, Kelton has been learning all kinds of Christmas songs. His Favorite he tells me is Oh Christmas Tree. Here is a video of him and Erica singing the last bit of Rodolph the Red nosed reindeer:

Monday, December 8, 2008

Having fun in December 2008

Where are loving Christmas at the Roger's house. Pete already sent presents, we all got pajamas!
John and I received sock monkey footie pajamas!Kelton got some sweet gum drop button Sock monkey pajamas:
From Christmas 2008
From Christmas 2008
From Christmas 2008

At first Kelton thought he got Soy milk and Kept saying "I don't need to open it, it is Silk Milk Mom!" It is a good thing he finish opening the box,
Thanks uncle Pete!!!

Also Kelton and I went Rock climbing with Uncle Kimball ANd his friend Mark.
From Christmas 2008
From Christmas 2008

Kelton liked it but after a foot off the ground he thought the rock was too cold, we will see how he does next time!

And here is an AWESOME cute movie of Kelton, being a little boy:

Thanksgiving 2008

Kelton, John and I had a super fun Thanksgiving. The night before we painted turkeys with Momma Tricia and had a blast, including dancing before bed. Then, day of, we went to Grandma Peggy's and Grandma Beth's house.
After stuffing ourselves Tricia took Kelton up to see Grandma Karen. John and I finished out our Holiday with a movie. It was a pretty good time.
Here is a video of Kelton's Sweet moves:

And here are pictures of the Turkey painting:

The Zoo

Kelton and I hit the Zoo with some friends in November. We had tons of fun then wen out for Ice cream after.

Here is a link to the whole album full of fun photos!!!
Zoo trip 11/08

Monday, November 24, 2008

Such a fun November!!

I have been enjoying life this November, especially this weekend.
I got to go to the UofU vs BYU game with my Dad, Uncle Reb and John. Since the U won John's Dad Stan has to cook us dinner in a UofU Tee shirt Dad let me barrow. I will post picture when/if this happens (sometimes BYU fans back out on bets).
Yesterday morning Kelton came and climbed in bed with us and we played the "I love ____ about you" game. It is a pretty simple game where you name something
you love about the people you are playing with. When it was Kelton's turn he said ,"I love Dad in my dream where we meet on the mountain and camping, and he laughs" and "I love that Mom is painting and she smiles.". At night when John tucks Kelton in they always talk about where they are going to meet in dream land and hang out. I never realized that Kelton thinks it is cool that I paint. I know I thought it was awesome that my mom would draw when I was little but it makes me beam with pride when Kelton says he loves that about me.
How goofy cute is that?

So this post was inspired by this week and my friend Megan reminding me how grateful I am for everything that is.

I am thankful for:
sweet potatoes
mini crock pots
Authentic friends
single serving anything
string cheese
soft paper
post-it notes
seeing my breath outside
crumbly dead leaf sound
Climbing trees
fresh bread smell
pink frosting
strawberries still attached to plants
strangers who don't look away when we meet eyes
my brother Pete
small shoes
red licorice
timed coffee makers
bottle openers
school buses
paper clips

Love, Mimi

Thursday, November 20, 2008

November Gratitude List

SO I figure I get to do a gratitude list again today because it feels like EVERYthing is uphill, and then some.

I love and am grateful for:

my health
fruit cut into bite size pieces
snow shovels
shampoo that smells like pumpkin pie
the gym
my mommy
football games
my dad
the color blue
good jokes
my bike
fingernail polish
instant messenger
cinnimon rolls
my John
middle names
work that pays me money
my car

I am feeling a little better

love, Mimi

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween 2008

We had loads of fun this Halloween! It started with Kelton's Awesome Samurai Jack Costume and ended with loads of candy.
Click on this Album to see all his Halloween pictures:

Kelton Halloween 2008

John And I had fun too! Here are some of our party pictures,
WARNING we are not responsible for any offensive racist costumes of people who came to this party.
Halloween 2008 party

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Halloween Pumpkin Painting

Yesterday we had family night and painted up a storm!
Here are tons of pictures of me, Kelton, John and Momma Tricia.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

not so cleanse

So on the night of day 4 on my cleanse I started getting really sick so I started weening myself back onto solid food. I am glad I started then because the next day I woke up with the worst flu EVER! I was bed ridden all Sunday. It is a good thing my Honey takes such good care of me or I think I might have dies. Kelton went and got me some flowers (which was super cute) and John just took care of everything while I healed. Monday I was still sick but not nearly as bad and I went and camped at my Mom's house during the day and chilled out. It is a pretty good thing that I listened to my body, even though it was screaming at me. :(

I am feeling much better today though I am still sniffily.

And i am soooo excited because this weekend I am going to NY to finally meet Piper :)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Cleansing again

I like to do the Lemonade Master Cleanse at least once a year to clean out my body and kick start my metabolism. And lately I have been a slacker about the gym and eating and I can feel the ikkyness backing up in my body. So I am doing it twice this year to keep my healthy momentum going.
I am on day 3 so from here on out it should be down hill, only 6 days to go (whoa that means I am 1/3 done). But last night I dreamed about a spicy chicken sandwich, and I haven't eaten meat for years. The day before, I printed out the recipe from our D.V.Breinholt Family Newsletter on how to make Cinnabon cinnamon rolls so I can make them in 2 weeks.
Why am I so attached to food? I get, yeah I need it to live, nutrients and stuff but why is so comforting to think about a gooey cinnamon roll? Why isn't it comforting to chew on celery instead? At least I can drink blessed boring Mint tea. I am glad for this experience so I am can reorient myself in my beliefs I have about food.
I AM HEALTHY AND FIT. I wanna have a baby and bounce back Reagan style. I wanna prevent any aliments that I can't come back from when I am older.
It is funny how I know that A LOT of my physical healthy has to do with my mental healthy. I am whole and happy and moving forward.

Today is a good day.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Kelton wanted a Curious George birthday, so we gave him one :)
For his birthday dinner he asked for Hot dogs and Curly fries, and I picked up some Capri Suns to sip on. I was a lot of fun opening presents and eating cake and Ice Cream. I made Kelton a Curious George cake and when I started cutting into pieces he started saying,"Owww owwwooowww, that hurts oww!" it was pretty dang cute.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Good Morning!

Today is going to be good and I am pretty excited for it!

“On a bad day, I have mood swings - but on a good day, I have the whole mood playground” -Charles Rosenblum

Everything is perfect, just how it is. Here is me moving forward today and enjoying every second of it, no matter what it is :)
I am smiling, and so can you if you want.

Love, Mimi

PostScript: It is Kelton's birthday today and I am going to make him a Curious George cake

Monday, October 6, 2008

Piper Jane

I am privileged to have a sweet niece named piper Jane. PJ lives in NY. My brother Jake and his wifey Reagan are some pretty awesome people. Piper is about over a year old and she is learning how to breath by herself. I am so excited because of all of the progress she has made the last couple of months. It moves me to think about how strong she is and that it seems she conciously chooses to be here. Piper is one of my teachers. I love her :) I love how her personality is showing and she shares it. Though I an in Utah and she is in NY I hope she knows I love her. And I am proud of jake and Reg too :)

Friday, October 3, 2008

Me, Kelton and a football game.

I had so much fun last night with my Dad, Kelton, and John at the UofU vs. Oregon State football game. Not only is Utah 6-0 now in the season but it was neck to neck win that had my inner child screaming!
Kelton did pretty well for being 4. First we were amazed by the "Pride of Utah" marching band, then when the game stared we practiced jumping up and clapping at the right time. After the first couple exciting things, John and I realized that Kelton would rather stand and clap himself then be held up so he could see. 2nd quarter Kelton busted out the dinosaurs we brought in his "back-up bag" and did a pretty good job at not whacking the guy sitting in front of him. During the first half He informed me "You and Dad are yelling loud in my ears!!". Halftime was pretty awesome because Kelton could see the field and it we could talk. We practiced identifying the "Alphabets" on my shirt, 'U' 'T' 'A' 'H'. After 15 minutes of practice and trying to convince me that 'H' was an 'R', Kelton could recognized each letter when I pointed it, even when I did it out of order. "U-T-A-H is Utah Mom!", "GO, Utes!" that was 70% of what come out of Kelton's mouth until the last part of the 3rd Quarter. He started to get fidgety and until one of the Fight songs that says "U, T, A, H, U-T-A-H, FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!" came on. His eyes got wide and he starts reciting the letters with a huge smile clapping, sooo freaking cute!
After that I took him on a "get the wiggles out" walk. We picked up a couple of temporary tattoos for our faces and Ice cream bars. During the last part of 4th quarter the little guy got tuckered out which was nice because I REALLY wanted to watch the game. John was nice enough to hold him so he could see what was going on. Utah Offense decided to start playing the last 5 minutes and the game ended how you want all games to end, neck to neck with a smashing end almost going into OT.
Thanks to my Dad for taking us to the game, it was AWESOME!!
-p.s. Kelton wanted to wear his "'U' for Utah Utes" face tattoo to Daycare this morning so I let him.

Monday, September 29, 2008

inside my own world

It is humorous to think about how inside my world I am. It is like everything I see or do has a custom filter I made for it.
I am having a hard time trusting myself because I am not so happy with what I see when I take a few steps back and see where I am at. I could make a list of things I don't like or things that are bugging me or where I am procrastinating, I don't think that would serve me at all though.
This is me energetically screaming about what is right now. Much good that did me right?

New moment.
I get to chill out. I honestly have a really awesome life. And a really awesome family. It is funny how hard it seems to get out of my funk today.

I am going to update on what I have been up to.
Personally I have been growing with my design business. I am almost complete with a portfolio. Kelton is doing so good. He is turning 4 next month and he amazes me everyday with how awesome he is. I bought him Candy Land recently and we played it multiple times yesterday. I used to love that game so much and now it is SOOO fun playing with Kel because I enjoy watching him count and match colors. He wants to be Samuri Jack for Halloween so I have got to get on making his costume soon before he changes his mind. John is doing good also. He is wrapped up in some business venture or another everyday it seems and still makes time between meetings to make me feel special. Peaches are in season in UT and I have been making some mean-licious peach pies. I should probably take one to my dad because he digs pie so much.
I have maintained the weight I lost earlier this year but I am not loosing more it seems. I wonder why I have seemed to plateau. I know I haven't been making an extra effort so I guess it is time. I am going to the gym today after work. Tonight I will sit down and set some frequency goals with my exercising. It is weird because ever since my bike crash I haven't want to use my bike to go to work. I think i need to get over that. Also I know I can adjust my food intake. It seems like every 6 months my metabolism slows down again. Maybe i get to do the Cleanse again to jump start it.
I am struggling with being a renter instead of an owner. Since the market is so "awesome" currently, houses are cheap! The only problem is the credit unions want 10-25% down now instead of 0-3% like it was earlier this year. I guess it is a good thing because the nation will get back on its feet eventually, considering some people should of had to put 10-25% and didn't. Oh well now is a better time to start saving then never, right?
Lately, I have been pondering about life and death and how sad I am that people die. My uncle Reb is so sick and fighting cancer and it just makes my heart hurt. Thinking about friends and Grandparents that have gone is a big reality check. My Grandpa Breinholt is 90 years old and I feel lucky my son can hang out with him. Thinking about how my own parents are getting older is frighting to me. My Mom called me the other day about some details they are arranging in their Will and it gave me super anxiety to think they they one day will die. The biggest heart stopper at all is to think that I will ever wake up and John won't be there. It makes me tear up just thinking about it. I believe I am connected to him forever but it still isn't a nice thought to think that we will one day leave these bodies and this life. I remind myself to make sure not to take John for grated. If we ever fight the thing that really brings be back to logic and sanity is how awful it would be if fighting were the last thing I got to experience on this earth with John. I love him so much. I know there is way things get to be and I can except that, I am glad I am only in my 24th year of life because that means I have a lot more to learn, experience, and hopefully, come to understand. Everything is going to be okay.

Friday, August 22, 2008

The morning grind

This morning I woke up to a semi-late alarm. It is a good thing Friday's are the one morning out of the week I don't have a little Kelton to get ready and drop off at daycare. Tricia came over last night and we did the schedules for the next month, then dyed pink streaks in her hair. (I just took a break from typing to text her about how it turned out)
Kelton and I had so much fun the last couple of days. He thinks Olympic Diving is the coolest sport ever. It is so cute, he watches with me and lines himself up straight and puts his arms out like the divers and when they jump he jumps off the couch and makes splashing noises. Flipping into the water is pretty cool I guess :) Not only have we gone on an Olympic binge but we have been drawing a lot together. We went and got a new set of Crayola washables from the store because his old markers were bunk. He has filled up his Ninja Turtle coloring book with "rainbow blood". We drew a poster the other day filled with random pictures Kelton listed (sword, blackbean, fish, chair, drink, dragon chewing bubble gum, little sheep lamb, worms, etc.) and once we paint it I'll post a picture. I love that Kelton :)

Anyway, I was grateful for his absence this morning because I was on AUTO PILOT. The thing that inspired this post is how amusing the gas station was to me at 7:30 in the morning.
I pulled into the 7eleven with my shades on in the dawn "shine right into your eyes" light. Found a parking spot though it was the one with a questionably washed out handicap symbol. Proceeded inside where there were about 8 of us huddled around the Coffee bar. It was like a scene off Animal Planet, a survival at the watering hole. It started with me fumbling around zombie like, trying to find the right size coffee cup to dispense my caffeine most efficiently. Then I had to wait for a guy who was reaching across the table and snagged the sugar before me. I noticed another person behind me about to lunge for the tiny vanilla creamers so I shifted my weight and moved half a foot to the right. About that time I scanned between arms at what kind of brew selection my trusty 7eleven clerks had out for me. My favorite "Dark Mountain" brew was just dripping out the coffee maker and I know if I tried to grab that pot I would most likely make a mess, a tragedy. My second runner up is the "Regular", not to be confused with the "Regular Decaf". Felling a little foggy, I could only see the coffee pot with the yellow handle, some extra energy "coffee on steroids", no way am I drinking that stuff. Just then I hear the clicking sound of a coffer pot making its way back on to is holster, behold the "Regular", just my luck. Seeing there is only about two servings left, my instincts take over and I snatch the pot up with cat like speed and surprisingly graceful lines (Olympics talking). I look up and give the guy across the way the innocent "Oh, you were reaching for this too?" look. With smug success I pour my, a little bit to hot, coffee and seal it with a nifty non-spill lid. Bless mornings. I complete my gas station excursion by sliding my card and having the cashier point out that i need to push a button on the little screen that was prompting me to except my price (not the first time that has happened to me).
As I look back now, I find being so human humorous but the coffee that I am sipping from was totaly worth it.

Love, Mimi

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Painting Collaboration

This last couple of weeks I have been painting a fun picture with my friend Olivia, SO I am gonna share some pictures. As you can tell by the look on my face, I am having lots of fun :)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

It is a Wednesday

This past weekend I have learned a lot about myself. What works and what doesn't work and the things that I control and the things I cannot.

I am in a good place today.

I am glad for this life I have.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Heavy chest

I have a heavy feeling in my chest today. In this moment I am gonna let it go so I can breath again.

I am enough. I am a creator. I am Joyful. I am connected. I am peaceful. I am worthy. I am beautiful. I am creative. I am a loving mom. I am an excellent and appealing wife. I share. I have purpose. I am passionate. I am powerful. I am healthy. I am Me.:)

That feels a little better.
Today is gonna be good.
I can't wait to paint later.

Love, Mimi

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Bikes are fun, but you can still crash on them

So I wrecked yesterday on my bike. It wasn't a little accident it was a full on face plant in front of rush hour traffic. I now have a silver dollar size bruise on my chin. I was in 6th grade last time I had one of these.

I am really thankful I hit the pavement out of traffic. I can't wait to get out and do some more "road taming". Man did I get a good work out.

The best part is when I stood up after and felt like I was 7 years old, bless my inner child :)
Kelton kissed it better though so I will be fine.

Love, Mimi

Monday, July 21, 2008

Today is good, Remember?

I have a list of things why today is not going as planned:
Couldn't sleep last night
late to work
no breakfast
hair sucks
no makeup
slight headache

BUT THEN I realized...

Thinks I a grateful for:
180 energy drinks
My sweet loving husband
my phone
calorie counters
mini stickie notes
true friends
my house
subi shark
grape flavor
being married to my best friend
brothers and sisters
Disney movies
the safety kids
black ties
bottled watter
avocados with hot sauce
miniature toiletries
good coffee
Ella Fitzgerald
bass drums
card games
Mason West
fluffy puppies
pirate monkeys
excellent mattresses
my dad


does it get any better?

"Well," said Pooh, "what I like best," and then he had to stop and think. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn't know what it was called. ~A.A. Milne

Smile... because you can.

Love, Mimi

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Today is a Tuesday

I am feeling one with what is today.

I have a goal of being 125 pounds by the end of this year. I am kind of scared to put that out there and say it out loud but I am gonna do it.
I have been riding my bike lots and I need to get a helmet so I can ride it to work.
We had a fun Father's day at our house. Kelton is the official "orange juice maker" when we make breakfast.

I just won my bid on ebay and snagged a pair off puma sneakers for just 12$.

Yeah this is what is on my mind right now :)

Friday, June 6, 2008

Another graditude list

It is that time again to remind myself why I absolutely am grateful for life.

Gratitude list:
My sweet loving husband
my AWESOME friends
German chocolate cake
coconut frosting!
my mom
preschool teachers
new bathing suits :)
business cards
pulm sauce
the color green
vinyl records
fuzzy sweaters
math tests
bird nests
new shoes
vampire books
peppermint taffy
red vines
movie theater popcorn
Greek mythology
cool rocks
my car
my phone
sunflower seeds
spray air
favorite underwear

Better :)

"When you realize how perfect everything is, you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky!" - Budda
Love, Mimi

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Barack Obama has effectively clinched the Democratic presidential nomination, based on an Associated Press tally of convention delegates.

The tally put Obama over the top Tuesday, ahead of the results from the day's final primaries in Montana and South Dakota. The Illinois senator becomes the first black candidate ever to lead his party into a fall campaign for the White House.

Obama outlasted former first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton in a historic contest and now faces Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona for the presidency.


And may I just be the first to say: w00t!!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Whitney reunion 2008

We are on the road right now headed back from Panaca Nevada. Luckly I have a super-sweet phone that let's me get on the internet in mid-utah. Dad just blew a tire on the pop-up camper which doesn't surprise me because he was going 90mph and those tires are kinda old. It is a good thing John and Eddie were there to help him get the new tire on.
The reunion itself was really fun. It is nice to see Kelton run around with cousins and get muddy. I can't wait till him and Maya are having a ball at Moon Lake. In Panaca, we stayed at this place called Cathedral Gorge. It is the bottom of a prehistoric lake so the rock structures were AWESOME.(I will post pictures later) Kelton is part spider monkey it think because he was climbing everything he could. He scales mountains faster then me :) He is so tall that sometimes I forget he is only three when he is playing with the other kids. I feel so blessed to have a family that is so close knit and sincerely love each other. Even now we are caravanning with Brenda, Laurie, Mason, Eddie, Erin, mom, dad and my family. I am not gonna lie when I say I missed my brothers and sisters. You all missed out on sweet t-shirt tie-dye and yummy banana boats. Also, I talked Uncle Clark into letting me drive his giant horn-wielding yellow truck named Big Bird. It took me a day but after him testing me in his off-roading '76 jeep (manual) I was approved to drive the big truck. Little cousins piled in the back and Dad, John, Laurie and Clark were in the cab. I learned all about the air brakes and the chair suspension and there was a sweet camera to help me back it out. Once we got out onto the desert road and there was a straight away Clark told me to floor it. Talk about power! I had kinda forgotten about the children in the back until I heard squealing, it got me to slow down. On the way back to camp I wore Clark's hat, it was awesome. It just gets me pumped to see my family next :)

Friday, May 9, 2008

A little bit about a lot o bit

So this last little while with my family is:
Kelton got to go to the Dr. and get his ear checked and it is healing nicely. He had a ruptured ear drum and it was really sad. The Dr. said if he get sick at all we should go take him in since he has such narrow ear canals, poor kid.
John went to the Dr. this week for his back. He has been having intense upper back pain and the knot is slowly working it's way out. Today he feels better then he has in a week and a half. Since our mattress was kinda crappy we decided to buy a new one and I added a new frame in there too :) I have never bought a bed before and it was lots of fun.
Having John out of commission was really awful, especially trying to move a bed without him. I am really grateful he is getting better.
Kelton is growing and learning so much. Lately, at night I lay out his clothes for him so he can dress himself in the mornings. It is so cute to see him cry and whine about every piece of clothing he has to put on in the morning but it is worth it when he has that satisfied grin on his face after. After playing late in grandma's sprinklers this week I didn't have time to layout clothes, it was just straight to bed. In the morning after I got out of the shower Kelton was awake running around the house with his sword in his muddy shirt and pants from the day before and it really was sad to make him take them off and put on new ones.
I got promoted at work this month. I have been making a lot of changes in my company to create order and clarity for everyone. I guess the CEO noticed and after months of me working hard and showing up with lists of things to do to improve my department and employee task tracking. It is nice to be a Manager now but also a little stressful. Before I got promoted it was like I was doing extra, now it seems like, am I doing enough? Another strange thing is I seem to want to be in dress up clothes all the time because I always have some board meeting at the GL Foundation or what if I am introduced as a manager to a client, or what if I have to meet with my personal clients? I miss not caring if I am just in a hoodie or if my pink hair is touched up.

Last night John asked me what my most favorite 3 things were that I did in 2007. I would have to say my number one was Going to Alaska with John And hanging out with Jessie, Sarah, Maya, Sophie and Mom. Seeing Sophie get born was crazy awesome. Second would have to be going up to Portland and seeing Preston and Holly and going to an Alias concert and meeting him (I walked down the isle to an Alias song). Third is last summer when John and I went to Fish lake with his socially challenged dad and ended up getting ditched so I just hung with John in the lake jumping off little cliffs and floating on tubes till it was almost dark.

I am pretty excited about this year so far. Especial the rally we are gonna have at Moon Lake!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Spring fever

I am getting itchy feet and I wanna leave UT. Not move away or anything but I have found myself looking up flights over and over the last 5 days. Jake, Reagan, Peet, and Kristen are coming into town next month and I am pretty sure I can hold out till then. Maybe I should just hit the mountains and enjoy the beauty of UT instead of wanting to get away. Or plan a weekend to visit Moab... that feels like a different state sometimes. It is funny because Sam moved back to UT and Allison came with him and I haven't even visited their house. The only reason I haven't is because it seems like a lot of driving to do since they don't have a car.... HOW LAZY AM I? I wanna drive out of the state but I can't find the time to drive to Sandy and back? Maybe that is my first step to traveling this summer, going to Sandy. GO me.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I am greatful

It is that time again where i am taking things for granted, time for a gratitude list.

I am grateful for:
my parents
living in a house
paying off my bills
My brothers
little drink umbrellas
my job
my life
the pants I am wearing
the color pink
bean tacos
orange Juice
my sisters
my body
the hat I am wearing
text buddies
the guitar
my toes
the color red
my bed
my baby’s mamma
my car
the post man
easter eggs
The Great Life Foundation
dress pants
the people who pave the road
the gym
the sun
push-up bras
My husband
running water
my sweet toothbrush
ben folds
good wine
my cousins
primary songs
thai food
lettuce wraps
People who listen, to listen

Much better.

Isn’t the world and life so awesome?
I love you, honestly.

Love, Mimi

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Banana Splat

Today is a good day. I can't stop playing with the calluses on the ends of my fingers. Playing the guitar is really fun but i have come to learn, i am not to good at singing. Finger picking is really hard too, but i will get used to it eventually. The best is when Kelton notices I am playing songs he knows and smiles really big :) And then we make up songs together and they are mostly about fighting dragons, swimming and swords.
I have a satisfaction today about how I show up as an employee at work. Yes, I am late 2 days out of the week, that is my big downfall. Over all though I feel like an asset. Maybe it is time to ask for another raise.
So I get to Drink Orange Juice today and tonight I get to have vegetables, i am pretty dang excited for semi-solid foods :)

Monday, March 24, 2008

i don't know what this is suposed to be about

So today is my last day on the cleanse. I am pretty excited to eat solid food again. Last night I dreamed about Eating reese's peanut butter cups out of a cereal bowl with a spoon.
I am feeling tired today and it is slow at work so it is hard to keep myself entertained and awake.
Pete is Vice president of his nerdy forensics club and they need new tee shirts for their school his year. So this morning the most exciting this that has happened is me putting together shirts for him that say: "I didn't do it! ....and the spatter supports my case", Gotcha!(with finger print in background), 1 in 36 billion:match made in a lab", and "You may keep saying no but your DNA says yes"., it is pretty nerd core.

That reminds me, i need to make hoodies for the moon lake trip this year. I will put that on my list of things to do.

Saturday I took Kelton to Mom's house for an Easter egg hunt, it was pretty fun. I got to load eggs and hide them and stuff. Watching Kelton be amazed is one of my favorite things. He just couldn't believe that there were eggs with prizes in them sitting waiting for him to pick them up. He also is the type of kid who wants to play with every present once he opens it even if he has more to open. It was nice too because Tricia (Kel's other mom) came too and I love it when Kelton gets to experience stuff with all of his parents there.