Thursday, February 21, 2008

working ghost town

I find myself sitting at work at my desk and the rest of the shop is shut down. During the January/February months work is slow for our printing company. I have been finding random things to do around the shop to keep myself busy.
Today and yesterday I cleaned out all of the closets, desks and cabinets in my department. I started to re-arrange the furniture and some how inspired my co-workers to join in.
I am kind of bored now that there is nothing else to clean.
...I got permission from the CEO to paint a window on the wall by my desk.
So I guess tomorrow I will be painting.


Turbo said...

Hahaha, That is awesome. Make sure you post a pic of the painted window.

snotnose said...

painted windows are my favorite kind. :)

jmccarron said...

c'mon, let's have some more figments!