Monday, June 29, 2009

Baby Girl

This morning I found out I am having a little girl. :) I am pretty excited. I think everyone and their dog told me I was going to have a girl. I personally didn't have the slightest idea of what i was having, I am just hoping for a healthy baby. It was really sweet to see her move in my tummy on the ultrasound. I felt her flutter the last week a couple of times, I think she is more awake at night.
Kelton is so adorable with my tummy. The other day he came up to me and put his hands on it and asked me how the baby was. I said, "I dunno, maybe you should ask it." He replied, "Mom, no you have to!" I convinced him to put his ear to my tummy to see if he could hear the baby's answer when I asked it (since I can't bend that far over). "Baby, how are you doing?", I said and Kelton answered in a little baby voice "I am just fine."
It made me giggle, I am so happy Kelton is so great, he is going to be such a great brother.
Here are some pictures of the little girl in my tummy. I pinked out the background so you can see HER better. She is 16 weeks and 2 days old.

She is laying on her back and her face is turned toward us in this one

There are her cute little feet!


CrzyJess said...

Congratulations Mimi! I can't wait to meet her. She is going to be beautiful!

Turbo said...

That's pretty awesome.

HIS [[Silly]] Girl said...

i bet she is going to be super adorable just like you! Congrats! :D