Wednesday, October 22, 2008

not so cleanse

So on the night of day 4 on my cleanse I started getting really sick so I started weening myself back onto solid food. I am glad I started then because the next day I woke up with the worst flu EVER! I was bed ridden all Sunday. It is a good thing my Honey takes such good care of me or I think I might have dies. Kelton went and got me some flowers (which was super cute) and John just took care of everything while I healed. Monday I was still sick but not nearly as bad and I went and camped at my Mom's house during the day and chilled out. It is a pretty good thing that I listened to my body, even though it was screaming at me. :(

I am feeling much better today though I am still sniffily.

And i am soooo excited because this weekend I am going to NY to finally meet Piper :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for you. Well...notfor the flu part, that just sucks! For the New York and Piper part though...woo hoo!