Friday, October 17, 2008

Cleansing again

I like to do the Lemonade Master Cleanse at least once a year to clean out my body and kick start my metabolism. And lately I have been a slacker about the gym and eating and I can feel the ikkyness backing up in my body. So I am doing it twice this year to keep my healthy momentum going.
I am on day 3 so from here on out it should be down hill, only 6 days to go (whoa that means I am 1/3 done). But last night I dreamed about a spicy chicken sandwich, and I haven't eaten meat for years. The day before, I printed out the recipe from our D.V.Breinholt Family Newsletter on how to make Cinnabon cinnamon rolls so I can make them in 2 weeks.
Why am I so attached to food? I get, yeah I need it to live, nutrients and stuff but why is so comforting to think about a gooey cinnamon roll? Why isn't it comforting to chew on celery instead? At least I can drink blessed boring Mint tea. I am glad for this experience so I am can reorient myself in my beliefs I have about food.
I AM HEALTHY AND FIT. I wanna have a baby and bounce back Reagan style. I wanna prevent any aliments that I can't come back from when I am older.
It is funny how I know that A LOT of my physical healthy has to do with my mental healthy. I am whole and happy and moving forward.

Today is a good day.


Turbo said...

Good luck with your cleanse!

Liz said...

Good luck you are awesome to do that. The Cinnabon cinnamon rolls are so good my mom makes them they will be a great reward.