Friday, December 26, 2008

Subi-Shark, best car EVER

I have the coolest car ever made. His name is Subi-Shark. He is a '97 Subaru Legacy Outback and he saves my life all the time. Last night in the bizzard, I drove up Parley's Canyon to Park City and back (well I had john drive back) in Subi-Shark and I am still alive. Park City outskirt suburbs are a death trap. If you slide off the road your options are, cliff or dooming snow bank. Subi-Shark protected me when we did collide with snowbanks. I lub Subi-Shark.
Not to mention He is the best Camping car ever.

I guess I am filled with gratitude that me car has no problem getting me to work on a day like this, and I am safe.

So happy day after Christmas :)
And bask in what you are grateful for

1 comment:

Turbo said...

Awesome. I know how you feel.