Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I realize I'm Pregnant

After balling up worry energy and preparing all kind of things with my body and my life, I am now pregnant. Seven and a half weeks along.
I have been feeling Prego for a while now but I visited the Dr. yesterday and I got to see a little heartbeat in my tummy :)
Two weeks ago while I was making dinner Kelton came up to me and looked at my belly and said "Mom you are getting fat!". (realistically I have gained only 1-2 pounds since Feb) Then I said "What makes you say that Kelton?" and he said,"Well, you have a baby growing in your tummy." I don't know if it is because Kelton is super smart and picked up what we talk about or if he could tell with his sixth sense. Before John and I decided to get Prego we talked to Kelton about it, I think he is my number one cheerleader because he wants a sister pretty bad. It is a good thing John enrolled him in being okay with a little brother too, just in case.
It is strange being so tired and hungry all the time. I guess it is good I have a toddler still so I can blame it on him for caring all the snacks with me. Truley though, who knew I could be so exausted? I am thankful I have such an awesome husband. He is pretty understanding an helpful. It was so sweet that he is as excited to have another baby. I feel silly to admit I had a fear that he was only doing the baby thing for me since he already has Kelton. I am glad to be wrong.
I can't imagine what it is like being alone and Prego. I understand everyone has a community that supports them but it is not like having a "John" around. I am glad Tricia (Kelton's Birth mom) decided to still have Kelton though she got to do it solo. Same with my cousin Laurie, though I know her community is awesome :) I still am glad she had little Mason and is willing to do what it takes even if that does mean doing it by herself. Maybe I should stop giving her flack about "growing his hair out for peace". :)
Anyway, here I am Blogging about being prego. I am going to start posting pictures of my tummy and stuff. I figure This is a good place to let out how much I think about it.

Much love, Mimi


Liz said...

congrats that is exiting.

Reagan said...

Hooray! I'm going to tell piper this weekend, I'll let you know how she reacts.

Anonymous said...

Mimi, I told you already but again...I'm super excited for you and love you tons!

Raethfall said...

that is just tons of awesome! thanks for sharing!

hwscutie said...

Yeah Mimi! Congrats! I know I couldn't be pregnant without my John, he's a trooper.

Anonymous said...

Hooray!!! I loves it! I'm sooo excited for you Mimi!

Ugh, I was soooo tired when I was first pregnant. It's good I didn't have a job, because all I could do was sleep, but I'd rather that then be puking all the time!

Hoooray for little ones!! :D