Wednesday, July 7, 2010

More then a lot of time.

It has been a while and a half since I have posted any new blogs. I was talking with my brother Jake last night about how much I love reading about what is going on with my family and he pointed out how I was guilty of not updating for everyone else.
Well, Penelope is about 7 months old now. She is rolling over like crazy and teases us with trying to crawl. She is honing her spoon skills and loving mushed up solid foods once a day.
Kelton just finished his season of teeball (I am not sure if he liked it.) He is doing summer camp with his daycare and loving it. I am trying to help him find something he really likes to do as a hobby (other then video games) and it is up in the air. Maybe swimming lessons next? Sometimes I wish I didn't work so the scheduling stuff during the day wasn't so challenging.
John is host/ushering friends in and out of town. He is going to turn one of the rooms in the basement into a sound room soon and I know he is excited about the project. His goal for this summer is to fish and camp, a lot. I support this fully :)
I am on a kickball league. My team is in the championship, final four. We play tonight and I am excited to see if we can beat the odds and come out on top. I have rejoined for next season. It is a ball making new adult friends. That sums up our family currently.
I am personally still working on losing my baby weight, aligning priorities in my life and TEACHING MY SELF CONTENT COMMUNICATION. I think that last one is the most challenging right now. It is like re-wiring my brain. Well wish me luck!

Oh, John, my brother Pete and I went long boarding the other day and I am super rusty. Yet, I can't stop thinking about going again, that must meant I REALLY enjoyed it.

Waiting to long board again,

1 comment:

hwscutie said...

Your daughter is a cutie! Thanks for updating busy lady :)