Friday, May 29, 2009

baby and balancing

Today I saw my baby bouncing/jumping in my tummy. I had a Dr. appointment, we were listening for the heartbeat and we just heard lots of noise. The Dr. said it was moving around so he went and grabbed the "look inside your tummy" machine and I got to see an excited little baby :) It was pretty cute. It actually looks like a baby now! Less like a gummy bear, more like a cinnimon bear. it got me all excited. I am feeling super emotional today, I think it is due to excitement/fear.
John and I got our offer accepted on our house. Now we just have to do the miles of paperwork it takes to get an FHA loan *yay*. This next week we are getting the house inspected so we know we aren't trying to buy a 'lemon'. I try not to let money stress me out but last night I had a dream about messing up my credit score so bad John was yelling at me and cutting up all our credit cards. It is a good thing that is not reality. I am stepping up and being super strict with my spending for the family. It sounds silly to me and difficult at the same time to balance our gas and food under a certain amount different then usual. I know I can do it, it just hurts my brain. For all those people out there who have no problem with numbers and left brain stuff, my hat is off to you.

Oh, and I am getting sick less lately *yay*

Love, Mimi

1 comment:

Turbo said...

Man, that is a lot of exciting stuff! Congratulations on all accounts.