Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday Monday

I am feeling a bit emotional today. John has been out of town all weekend and doesn't come home till Tuesday. I really miss him. It seems like everything is setting off my emotions. This morning Kelton and i both agreed we were "buggin' each other". It is strange to think having the Dad buffer there would make such a difference.
My Mother's day was good. I the morning I had long talks with Tricia (Kelton's birth mom). She came over early to meet up and picnic with Kelton and I. We went to a park near her house in West Valley and played in the sand pile. Tricia is an excellent Sand castle maker. The fun attracted a lot of little Spanish kids that were adorable and fun to play with. They taught me how to say Turtle in Spanish :)
After that Kelton and I went with Grandma Beth and Grandpa Wally to Great Grandma's house. I made a roast for dinner and my Mom made the sides. It was sweet to sit in my Grandparent's space and just enjoy being near them. It really was wonderful, Ice cream tastes the best when I am at grandma's.
John called me to Wish me a happy mother's day but i still wish he was with us, not on a business trip. Oh well, I am really glad he works as hard as he does.
Tonight I am going over to my mother's house so Kelton and i can get some space to ourselves. i am really thankful i live in the same valley as my parents. It is nice I can go to such a comforting place when i am having such a roller coaster day.

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